Neonatal Bilirubin Learning and Decisionmaking Tool: Results Page


Patient ID:
Patient date and time of birth (mm/dd/yy xx:xx): Hour of life now:
bilirubin measurement date and time (mm/dd/yy xx:xx): bilirubin measurement (mg/dL): bilirubin measurement hour of life:
bilirubin measurement date and time (mm/dd/yy xx:xx): bilirubin measurement (mg/dL): bilirubin measurement hour of life:
bilirubin measurement date and time (mm/dd/yy xx:xx): bilirubin measurement (mg/dL): bilirubin measurement hour of life:
bilirubin measurement date and time (mm/dd/yy xx:xx): bilirubin measurement (mg/dL): bilirubin measurement hour of life:


Phototherapy Treatment Decision Graph

bilirubin decision graph



  1. Bhutani VK, Johnson L, Sivieri EM. Predictive Ability of a Predischarge Hour-specific Serum Bilirubin for Subsequent Significant Hyperbilirubinemia in Healthy Term and Near-term Newborns
  2. AAP Guideline: Management of Hyperbilirubinemia in the Newborn Infant 35 or More Weeks of Gestation


  1. for original idea and model for this website.
  2. Dr. Tom Balsbaugh

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